
Jennifer López tiene su «clon» y es fisicoculturista

Recientemente, las redes sociales se encendieron tras una serie de imágenes publicadas por la fisicoculturista Janyce Garay, una atleta estadounidense que ha llamado la atención por su alto parecido con la cantante de origen hispanoamericano Jennifer López.

Según publicó la revista People, Garay es vocera de una marca de suplementos y participa en la categoría deportiva «NPC Figure», organización de fisiculturismo aficionado en Estados Unidos.

«¿Así que lo que ustedes me están diciendo es que todo el mundo tiene un gemelo y que Jennifer López es la mía? ¡Lo tomo! ¿Tienes algún gemelo en la farándula? Si es así, ¿quién es?», escribió «la doble de JLo» a través de su cuenta de Instagram, en la que tiene 118K de seguidores.

?When people from the past try to get back in your life, but you’re no longer on those old thought patterns. You’re no longer wasting your time and energy on meaningless activities. You’re no longer trying to get approval from them, because you approve yourself. You’re no longer trying to fit in, because you realized your self-worth. You’re no longer interested in their negativity, because you know that time is precious and you want to focus on being the best that you can be. So you hit them with that «new mindset, who dis» reply, because you’re no longer who you use to be. «Allow me to reintroduce myself» is your new mentality, because your growth game is strong. Life is all about mindset and once you upgrade that, nothing can stop where you’re headed, not even your past. ????? Tag some with a new mindset. ?

Una publicación compartida de J A Y F R O M H O U S T O N? (@jayfromhouston) el

One of the best indication of growth is seeing yourself no longer worried, bothered, or hurt by the things that once drained you. When we stop becoming a button for others, the environment, and things to trigger negative emotions in us, the more we become free in taking control of our own inner state. Peace is the ultimate goal. Mental clarity is everything. Emotional and spiritual balance is learning that nothing can affect your inner state, unless you allow it. This is such a great place to be in, because while it teaches us that we are free from our past burdens, it also teaches us that no problem will persist for too long. «This too shall past» is a great lessons from this. It shows you that you can get to this point in your life no matter what you’re currently going through. You can make it. You can have inner peace. Don’t get caught up in the feeling of negativity or feeling down. Each time you accept it as a truth, it becomes more real. Overwrite your overthinking and worrying by reminding yourself great things are coming. Remind yourself that one day you will be in a blissful state where your current «problem» will be something you just laugh about. Keep focusing on becoming a better version of yourself. With little effort on a daily basis, you’ll look back and be thankful you made the right choice. Here’s to letting go and evolving to your greatest self! ??????

Una publicación compartida de J A Y F R O M H O U S T O N? (@jayfromhouston) el

«I’m going to start speaking great things into existence for my life. I know how powerful my mind is. I know how powerful my words are. I’m going to start attracting everything I want, by becoming what I ask for. Change starts with me. I’m not my past. Starting today, I’ll stop telling that old story and rewrite my life. What I’m looking for is inside of me. I’m going to align with my spirit and trust the wisdom I receive. I’m ready to receive. I’m ready to be blessed. I know happiness, love, and peacefulness is an inside job. I’m going to do the self-work now. I’ll start replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Everything I speak, think, or feel will be focused on what I want. I’m going to be kind and patient with myself during the process of manifesting my visions. I believe in myself. » And that’s just real talk.. -Jay ??? Comment if you’re ready to manifest your dreams. ✨?✨

Una publicación compartida de J A Y F R O M H O U S T O N? (@jayfromhouston) el

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